Traditional public transport

Public transport, constituting 23% of global mobility, offers sustainable and accessible travel options, reducing environmental impact and fostering efficient urban transportation systems.

Private car 45%

Private cars, dominating at 45% of global mobility, provide personal convenience but contribute to traffic congestion and environmental challenges, prompting a need for sustainable alternatives in urban planning.

Micromobility 16%

Micromobility, constituting 16% of global mobility, showcases the rising trend of compact, eco-friendly transportation modes, addressing urban congestion and fostering sustainable mobility solutions.

Ride-hailing and Taxi 2%

Ride Hailing and Taxis, comprising 2% of global mobility, provide personalized travel but may contribute to urban congestion. These services adapt to evolving preferences, offering efficient urban commuting and adding diversity to the mobility landscape.

Walking 14%

Walking, constituting 14% of global mobility is a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation. It enhances personal well-being, contributes to environmental conservation, and fosters community connections.

New forms eg. Robotaxis 19%

New forms, like Robotaxis, at 19% of global mobility, exemplify cutting-edge technology. While promising for the future, their limited current presence showcases ongoing development in the mobility landscape.

The percentage figures are based on McKinsey and Company’s The Future of Mobility insight.